Spending time outside in a garden, positively affects people’s emotions and enhances their sense of well- being. Access to nature lowers blood pressure and reduces stress improving overall health.

Consisting of a private pick up/drop off area, parking and separate men’s and women’s terraces, this small scale commercial project is envisioned as a private respite area. The design includes water features creating a feeling of relaxation with their calming acoustic effects amidst the busy city surroundings. The cafeteria is a french bistro with a luxurious appeal and views towards the lush green garden. Protecting from the heat and direct sunlight, wooden pergolas with tensile fabric ensure pleasant outdoor sitting areas along with moveable furniture. Walking safety was also an important aspect of the garden, therefore smooth and level surfaces are proposed.

  • Client :Confidential
  • Location :Dubai, UAE
  • Year :2016
  • Area :3,555 m2
  • Expertise :Landscape, Water Features, Roads and Parking
  • Services :Concept Design to Detail Design